
     >>心理学系    >>刘志伟
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邮箱:  psylzw@suse.edu.cn



2018-2022  天津师范大学   心理学   博士

2008-2011  江西师范大学   心理学   硕士

2003-2007  江西理工大学   会计学   学士





发表成果 (* 为通讯作者)

li, y., & liu, z.* (2023). the effect of lying on memory in daily life: does motivation matter? psych journal.

lijuan, z., yingying, z., liu, z, lin, l., sha, l., & jingxin, w. (2023). the role of orthographic and phonological processing during reading chinese sentences: evidence from eye movements.      frontiers in psychology, 14.

zhang, l., liu, z., zhao, s., & wang, j. (2023). semantic plausibility preferentially affects the semantic preview benefit in chinese reading: evidence from an eye-movement study. peerj, 11.

liu, z., li, y., cutter, m. g., paterson, k. b., & wang, j. (2022). a transposed-word effect across space and time: evidence from chinese. cognition, 218.

li, y., liu, z., & liu, x. (2022). more lies lead to more memory impairments in daily life. frontiers in psychology, 13.

li, y., liu, z., & liu, x. (2022). who did i lie to that day? deception impairs memory in daily life. psychological research. 86,1763-1773.

liu, z., li, y., & wang, j. (2021). context but not reading speed modulates transposed-word effects in chinese reading. acta psychologica, 215.

li, y., & liu, z.* (2021). involvement modulates the effects of deception on memory in daily life. frontiers in psychology, 12. https://doi.org/10.3389/fpsyg.2021.756297

liu, z., li, y., paterson, k. b., & wang, j. (2020). a transposed-word effect in chinese reading. attention, perception, and psychophysics, 82(8), 3788–3794. https://doi.org/10.3758/s13414-020-02114-y



